Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of brand image on purchasing decisions and how big the response or consumer interest about brand image on purchasing decisions in Bengkalis State Polytechnic students. The object of this research is the consumer of Wardah cosmetic users at the Bengkalis State Polytechnic student consisting of 100 women. The type of research used in this study is associative research by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents using the nonprobability sampling method with Snowball Sampling. The test results show that brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, meaning that the brand image variable is one of
the variables that can be used to measure purchasing decisions. The determinant coefficient (KD) is 0.467 or 46,7%, which means that brand image affects purchasing decisions by 46,7% while the remaining 53,3% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study