Abstract :
This study aims to describe the process of implementing the construction work of the Jasrem Makorem 031 Wirabima Pekanbaru building with a 3D animation display. The data analysis method used is qualitative data analysis which will be explained descriptively to be able to describe the process of implementing the construction work of the Jasrem Makorem 031 Wirabima Pekanbaru building. The drawing begins with a 3D depiction of the building followed by the making of a 3D animation of the sequence of building construction works. The methods of implementing the construction of the Jasrem Makorem 031 Wirabima Pekanbaru building are: 1. Mobilization, 2. Preliminary work, 3. Pile work, 4. Bouwplank installation work, 5. Pile cap work, 6. Sloof work, 7. 1st floor column work, 8. beam & floor slab work (elv 450), 9. 2nd floor column work, 10. beam, plate and lisplank work, 11. Practical column work, 12. beam, plate work and lisplank, 13. Practical column work, 14. beam batten work, 15. Stair work, 16. roofing work, 17. Architecture & finishing. Animated videos are approximately 30 minutes long.