Penggunaan Lubang Biopori Sebagai Salah Satu Mitigasi Banjir Di Perumahan Dinas Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Zuhri, Muhammad Iqbal
421 Teknik Sipil 
2022-08-27 22:32:12 
Abstract :
Biopore infiltration hole (LRB) is a water absorption facility that is used to overcome flooding by accelerating water into the ground. Increasing the ability of the soil to absorb water can reduce the chance of surface water flow so as to reduce the potential for flooding. This hole is made perpendicular to the ground in the form of a cylinder with a diameter of about 10-30 cm. The purpose of this study is to find out how many biopore infiltration holes are in the area studied and to know the distance of the biopore infiltration holes in the studied area. The type of research used is direct field testing. The results show that with a land area of 5547 m², the area of the impermeable area in Bengkalis State Polytechnic housing is 3459 m² with waterpass measurements and made into a contour map, the results (LRB) are around 315 m². fruit with a distance of 11 meters 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis