Uji Akurasi Pembuatan Kontur Dengan Menggunakan Data DEM Foto Udara Dan Data Pengukuran Terestris (Studi Kasus: Lapangan GOLF Desa Wonosari, Kecamatan Bengkalis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Nst, Roma Rizki
421 Teknik Sipil 
2022-08-27 23:21:22 
Abstract :
A topographic map is a type of map that has special characteristics that show the state of shape, distribution of the earth's surface and its dimensions, marked by the presence of a large scale and more detail. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data is the result of processing aerial photo data with geometry correction from GCP (Ground Control Point) points obtained from Geodetic GPS. This DEM data will later become a contour map and its accuracy can be corrected for both horizontal and vertical accuracy using the RMSE method and referring to Perka BIG No. 15 of 2014 concerning the RBI map geometric accuracy standard. Terrestrial measurement is a method that can be used to create contour maps. Terrestrial measurements use a total station tool to obtain field coordinate data. Then processing the coordinate data so that it becomes a contour map. This terrestrial data will be corrected by GPS Geodetic with the RMSE method and compared with the results of the correction of aerial photo DEM data. The results of the RMSE calculation obtained from both methods are that the DEM data has RMSExy 0.319 m and RMSEz 0.197 m, while the terrestrial data using the total station has RMSExy values of 0.062 m and RMSEz 0.039 m. The results of the accuracy values between the two methods were obtained for the DEM accuracy of aerial photographs having CE values of 0.485 m and LE of 0.325 m, while for terrestrial data accuracy using a total station it has CE values of 0.094 m and LE of 0.064 m. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis