Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of product quality on purchasing decisions for OPPO brand smartphones. Product quality is viewed from seven dimensions, namely performance, features, reliability, conformance to specifications, durability, asthethic, and serviceability. Meanwhile, the purchase decision is divided into six factors, namely product selection decisions, brand selection decisions, outlet purchasing decisions, the number of purchases and payment methods. This research uses quantitative data. The population in this study were oppo brand smartphone users, while the sample of this study was 100 users. This research data collection technique using a questionnaire technique. The data collection technique of this research is to use Simple Linear Regression Analysis, R2 Test (Test the coefficient of determination), Partial Test (T) Significant Test. The results showed that product quality had a positive effect, while the influence of product quality on purchasing decisions concluded that product quality had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. In terms of product quality, purchasing decisions have a significant effect on consumers of Oppo smartphone users. Researchers suggest that Smartphone Users can improve product quality better so that consumers always feel comfortable when using a Smartphone.