Penerapan Hierarchical Model View Controller Pada Pembangunan Sistem Geografis Pertanahan Desa
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Hazmi, Ahmad Faza
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-08-30 22:19:40 
Abstract :
In the software design stage, the software architecture design softwarereusable. One of the architectural patterns in software is the Model View Controller (MVC) which is the most widely used in software development. Development with the MVC still has problems, one of which is lack of modularity. To deal with this modularity, MVC has a derivative, namely a hierarchy. Because there is a hierarchy in MVC software development, it can make modules within MVC . The number of modules that will be applied in building website Village Land Geographical System authmodule, the population module, the filing module, and the land module. Several studies have utilized the application of a hierarchical concept in MVC called hierarchical model view controller to deal with modularity issues and simplify application development with hierarchical model view controllers. Using the concept of hierarchical model view controller (HMVC) This will be applied to the development of the village land geographic system website. The purpose of this research is to apply the HMVC method which is used as modules to facilitate the development of the Village Land Geographical system. The expected benefit is to increase efficiency in building more modular applications. The results of this study, to make architectural designs more modular that can be redeveloped.testing blackbox, where the results of the test got the expected results. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis