Modifikasi Alat Pengering Ikan Lomek
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Syahputra, Andrean
431 Teknik Mesin (dan Ilmu Permesinan Lain) 
2022-12-20 16:06:29 
Abstract :
Kuala Alam is one of its units which operates the business of lomek fish which is the catch of fishermen, the price of lomek fish itself is per one kilo, if wet from Rp. 10,000 ? Rp. 15,000 while the price when it has been dried is from Rp. 80,000 ? Rp. 90,000 in the marketing area around the island of Bengkalis. Lomek fish is one of the groups of fish that meet coastal waters and has a very wide distribution. In general, this lomek fish lives in groups consisting of hundreds to thousands of small to medium sized tails, namely with a small size of 5 cm - 20 cm while a large size of 20 cm - 40 cm. That when it rains or is cloudy, a dryer is needed. Modification of the fish dryer by using a combustion system with a pipe and using a hanging rack, for the drying process is done by varying the drying temperature, i.e. for a temperature of 40?C - 50?C it is used as a drying process for lomek skin to avoid wrinkles on the skin. lomek. And for a temperature of 50?C - 60?C is used for a faster drying process and produces lomek perfectly. A lomek fish has an initial weight of 15 kg, dried for 13 hours and a final weight of 0.635 kg. Calculate the water content of lomek fish in the 13-hour drying process in the combustion system. that already exists by using combustion through a combustion pipe and fueled by LPG gas. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis