Faktor Penyebab Keterlambatan Kegiatan Bongkar Muat Cangkang Di Pelabuhan Tanjung Buton Yang Dilakukan Oleh BUP PT Samudera Siak
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Syafandi, Azuan
484 Teknik Kelautan dan Ilmu Kelautan 
2022-08-31 22:02:52 
Abstract :
This final project aims is a stage to carry out research that aims to find out BUP PT. Samudera Siak carried out an analysis of the factors causing the delay in loading and unloading shells at Tanjung Buton Port. The formulation of the problem in this research is what are the factors causing the delay in loading and unloading of oil palm shells at the port of Tanjung Buton carried out by Bup PT. Samudera Siak and what are the solutions that can be done so that there is no delay in loading and unloading shells at the port of Tanjung Buton carried out by Bup PT. Siak ocean. The place of this research was conducted at BUP PT. Samudera Siak which was held from February to July 2022. The method used was a qualitative method, namely data collection through direct observation and interviews with the company. The result of this research is that the delay factor in loading and unloading activities is caused by damaged equipment, lack of tools, and natural factors such as bad weather. Things that must be prepared to carry out loading and unloading activities are preparing tools and completing documents. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis