Sistem Pencarian Jasa Terdekat Menggunakan Algoritma Haversine Formula
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Purnama, Rengga Septian
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-09-01 10:19:52 
Abstract :
There are many ways that service seekers do when they want to find services. Such as visiting service providers directly, asking for recommendations from closest colleagues, or looking for information through brochures and the internet. Some of the services used by the community include workshops, laundry, tailors, services, rentals and expeditions. These services are used by the community to make their work easier and easier. The development of internet technology currently supports mapping so that it can make it easier for users to find the nearest service. This study aims to build a service search information system closest to the Haversine Formula algorithm, where service providers will be mapped to make it easier for users who are looking for services. The system development method used is Model Rapid Application Development (RAD). Where the user is involved during the system development process, so that it can produce a system that can meet the needs of the users. The results of this study produce a service search system using the Haversine Formula algorithm that can be used to find the nearest service. Calculations using the Haversine Formula algorithm will be compared with google maps measurements to prove the difference in distance. From the tests that have been carried out, there is a difference in distance calculations using Haversine Formula and google maps, which ranges from 0.21 to 1.6 Km. While the level of comparison of the algorithm against google maps is at 52% to 91%. The difference in the calculation difference is because the haversine formula algorithm calculates the distance by taking a straight line, while the google maps calculation uses the Dijkstra algorithm to determine the route by checking and comparing each existing path. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis