Pencegahan Pencemaran Laut Akibat Tumpahan Minyak (Oil Spill) Di Area Pt Pertamina Trans Kontinental Sungai Pakning
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Prastiadi, Adji
484 Teknik Kelautan dan Ilmu Kelautan 
2022-09-02 09:41:15 
Abstract :
This research aims to find out how to prevent marine pollution due to oil spills. The formulation of the problem is how the impact of oil spill pollution on the marine environment. What are the sources that can cause oil spills in marine waters and how to handling marine pollution due to oil spills by using operational equipment in the waters of PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental Sungai Pakning. The research will be carried out for two months from June to July 2022. The place of this research is carried out at PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental Sungai Pakning. Data collection was done by using observation, interview and dokumentation. This research is expected to provide information about preventing marine pollution due to oil spills. The conclusion of this research, the company should provide training or seminars at least every six month, to the supervisors and the aquatiq environment protection team to increase knowledge and add tools for handling oil spills. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis