Abstract :
The problem in this final project research is related to the development of Tanjung Harapan passenger port infrastructure in supporting development in Selatpanjang. The method used is a qualitative method, in this case the author collects data using data collection methods including observation, interviews, and documentation. From the results of the research on infrastructure development strategies in the medium term at the port of Tanjung Harapan is to carry out the provision and service of port services, port development must meet the technical requirements of the port, environmental sustainability, and pay attention to the integration of intra and intermodal transportation and infrastructure development in the short term at the port of Tanjung Harapan only. in the form of port maintenance with a budget that can be taken by the manager. And Obstacles in the Tanjung Harapan port infrastructure process The need for approval with the regional office and waiting for budget funds to improve the funding game from the regional office due to the process of sending supervisors to help budget from the old regional office to repair t he Tanjung Harapan port and the development process starting from carrying out damming seawater with piles so as not to interfere with the repair process.