Abstract :
Efforts made in anticipating forest and peatland fires require good land restoration. The steps taken are by implementing the policies of the Peatland Restoration Agency that have been declared by the government. This study aims to determine the policies that have or have not been implemented by the Peatland Restoration Agency, to determine public perceptions of the policies of the Peat Restoration Agency, to determine the causes of disturbances in the implementation of the Restoration Agency. Peatlands. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with interviews and questionnaires. The results of the study indicate that the policies that have been carried out in Sumber Jaya village consist of: Peat Wetting, Peat Care Village, Restoration and Monitoring Socialization and Education Programs. Perception is seen from three indicators,
namely cognitive, affective and conative, the perception of the community in Sumber Jaya village is good, the obstacles experienced are not many, only theifficulty of understanding the community and their belief in this program. The solution taken is in the form of a sustainable socialization approach and good communication as well as to the community.