Sistem Pencatatan Dan Tracking Pengurusan Dokumen Notaris Dengan Metode Extreme Programming
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Ramshinha, Rohizh
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-09-06 15:38:26 
Abstract :
One of the great needs for information technology today is a computerized information system that aims to facilitate activities in every agency. Notary Restu Debrina, SH.Mkn is an office that offers services in the notarial field. Currently in the process of managing licensing documents at the notary's office, there are several obstacles, namely in recording and archiving client data manually using a notebook so that it takes a longer time to process. Due to the fact that the process of processing a permit document has several stages and takes quite a long time, it is difficult to find data on processing past licensing documents and it is difficult to know at what stage the document has been processed. Based on the problems above, the authors design a system for recording and tracking notary document management with the Extreme Programming Method. Where, this application can record the management of licensing documents and display the progress of processing a licensing document at which stage it is. Thus, it is hoped that it will make it easier for notaries to record and search for data on licensing document management. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis