Abstract :
The rapid development of the construction world in Indonesia raises the need for more efficient and effective supporting technologies. This development resulted in a system known as
Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM is basically a digital platform for creating virtual buildings. Autodesk Revit software is a BIM-based software that helps project documentation more realistically with three-dimensional modeling.
In this final project, the author uses Revit software to design the structural part of the building starting with the As Built Drawing data collection stage method and proceeding to modeling structural elements, which will then obtain automatic volume and processing of the Budget Plan (RAB).
Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the results of calculations from Revit in the form of a total volume (QTO) of concrete are 962.75 m3, the total volume of iron is 39.304 m3 and the Budget Plan (RAB) is Rp. 10,395,862.000,00. The use of BIM-based applications in designing a building can simplify the design process, increase the efficiency of time, human resources and subsequent stages.