Optimalisasi Lapangan Penumpukan Dalam Memperlancar Kegiatan Bongkar Muat Peti Kemas Pada PT PELINDO 1 BELAWAN
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Syah, Waluddin
575 Manajemen Transportasi 
2022-09-06 12:17:02 
Abstract :
This final report aims to determine the optimization of the stacking field in facilitating loading and unloading activities. As for the formulation of the problem whether the stacking field at PT. Pelindo 1 Belawan has been optimally used in facilitating loading and unloading activities and what are the obstacles in optimizing the stacking field at PT. Pelindo 1 Belawan. The target of the problem is to find out and explain the optimization of the stacking field and to find out the obstacles in optimizing the stacking field. The place of this research is in Belawan port, which will be held from April 2021 to November 2021. The method used is a qualitative method, by collecting data using data, observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The result of this research is the accumulation field at PT. Pelindo 1 Belawan has not been carried out optimally so that loading and unloading activities do not run smoothly. The results in a lack of capacity in the stacking area, irregular placement of containers, and trucks that are parked haphazardly. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis