Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Febrinda, Ike
573 Administrasi Keuangan (Perkantoran, Pajak, Hotel, Logistik, Dll)
2022-09-08 09:44:19
Abstract :
Budget rationalization is an adjustment between the realization of Regional Revenue in the first semester (first) with regional expenditures that have been budgeted in the relevant year as regulated in government regulation no. 58 of 2005 concerning regional financial management. This study aims to find out how the impact of budget changes is, find out the obstacles when changing the Bengkalis Regency budget in 2020. and find out the impact of rationalizing the activity budget. This research is a qualitative research with data collection using interviews with respondents at the Department of Population Control and Family Planning. The results showed that changes in the budget at the Department of Population Control and Family Planning in Bengkalis Regency occurred in the direct expenditure budget of Rp. 10,273,203.170.00 with a realization of IDR 6,500,931.870.00. with an effectiveness of 63.28% and an efficiency of 136.72%. Obstacles in rationalizing are slowing down the activities that affect the achievement of organizational goals, cutting off activities, difficulty in gathering mass and less than optimal absorption of funds. The rationalization was carried out in accordance with the Regent's Decree regarding the allocation of funds for handling the Covid-19 virus. The rationalization was carried out after receiving a letter of implementation of the rationalization by the Bengkalis Regency BPKAD. Budget rearrangements are included in the Revised APBD, which is then submitted to the DPRD for discussion and approval. Funds from the rationalization will be returned to BPKAD and funds from all agencies will be
allocated for handling Covid-19