Abstract :
Riau Province is one of the regions that has the largest oil palm land in
Indonesia. Therefore, there are not a few people in Riau province who work as oil
palm farmers, not a few losses that are often experienced by farmers during the
harvest period. As there are some palm fruits that are of poor quality, ripeness and
male fruits that will usually be sorted and cannot be sold as a whole as good quality
fruits should be. So that usually farmers have to release or chop first the palm fruit
that is sorted using a machete or in the traditional way so that the brondolan from
the palm fruit can still be sold and does not suffer losses, The author draws
conclusions to design a technology in the form of a Design and Build a Palm Fruit
Release Machine. With several advantages of working using this machine, such as,
farmers can complete work in a fast time, human labor that is not too much used,
and prevent the risk of work accidents. So that farmers can feel very helped in
completing their work.