IDENTIFIKASI ALINYEMEN HORIZONTAL (Studi Kasus : Jl. Bathin Alam Kabupaten Bengkalis)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Wahyuni, Sri
421 Teknik Sipil 
2022-09-15 16:43:44 
Abstract :
Road geometry is the planning of a complete road segment, including several elements that are adjusted to the completeness and basic data available or available from the results of field surveys and have been analyzed with a planning standard. Road geometry is focused on planning the physical form so as to produce safe infrastructure, efficient traffic services and economical implementation costs. Evaluation of this horizontal alignment uses the 2021 Road Geometric Design Guidelines. Data collection is done by taking secondary data and primary data. Based on this evaluation, the length of the existing road is known to have a terrain classification of flat area, a design speed of 40 km/hour and a road width of 4.9 meters. There are 5 bends with different types. From the results of the analysis and calculations on this road, alignment horizontal 2 and 4 have the type of Spiral circle spiral (S-C-S) and alignment horizontal 1,3,5 with the type of Full circle (F-C). Superelevation at alignment horizontal 1 (2%), alignment horizontal 2 (3.2%), alignment horizontal 3 (4.1%), alignment horizontal 4 (2.4%) and alignment horizontal 5 (3.5%). 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis