Abstract :
Meskom road is one of the villages on the island of Bengkalis which earns fishermen and farmers while on the main road meskom is used as a daily activity for the community to support the economy, education, culture and so on. This road is traversed by light vehicles and trucks loaded with palm oil. However, currently the road has a width of 5 meters, where the width is not in accordance with existing regulations. Therefore, by observing the condition of this road with a balance between the increase in the number of road users, it is necessary to increase the Meskom
main road so that later it can facilitate community activities and provide security for road users so that the economy of rural communities increases. Planning of flexible pavement thickness for this road section, the reference used is the Road Pavement Design Method No.02/M/BM/2017. Road improvement will be carried out by planning for widening the road section by using flexible pavement on Meskom Main Road starting from STA 0+000 - STA 0+690, the results of which will provide comfort for road users and are used as a stage to design road pavement so that it
gets the dimensions the required thickness and the thickness of the pavement layer obtained withAC-WC = 40 mm, AC-BC = 60 mm, LPA class A 400 mm, field LHR as many as 21 vehicles and field CBR value 0.7%. With a budget of Rp. 3,178,000,000.00. Three billion one hundred and seventy eight million Rupiah for the existing conditions and conditions, it was found to be worth Rp. 968,000,000.00 Nine Hundred and Sixty Eight Million Rupiah.