Abstract :
A bevel machine is a machine made to assist workers in making bevels (slope, angle at plate and pipe joints) before welding. Bevel machines can be applied to plates and pipes and with a variety of angles, including; 30°,45°,60° and others. The bevel machine available at the plate and pipe workshop majoring in shipping engineering at POLITEKNIK NEGERI BENGKALIS is a PQX-15 PIPE PLATE GROOVER bevel machine with manual operation, which when operating the bevel machine must be placed above the specimen to be made a bevel (slope). Given the size of the shape of the bevel machine which is quite large and quite heavy, and when operating for small specimens, there is a very high risk of work accidents. To reduce the risk of work accidents and make it easier for students to do work and practice welding, it is designed and built a work system and construction of a bevel machine holder. With the bevel machine holder, the working system of the bevel machine will change, which when operating the machine, the bevel machine remains on the holder while the specimen is placed on top of the machine on the cutting edge and assisted with manual encouragement for the feeding process.