Rancang Bangun Sepeda Listrik Self Charging Menggunakan Generator
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Alviyanto, Rizky
451 Teknik Elektro 
2022-09-16 16:06:52 
Abstract :
The policy of eliminating subsidized fuel and the frequent occurrence of fuel shortages for motor vehicles on the island of Bengkalis impact the use of motorized vehicles and the economic development of the community around the island of Bengkalis. Using electric vehicles can help become a solution for transportation modes that can replace motorized vehicles, where electric vehicles are expected to be used in daily activities, and are expected to be a solution for scarce and expensive fuel on the island of Bengkalis. Using of DC motors can drive electric vehicles because DC generators have high resistance, especially BLDC motors. Because this type of motor does not have a brushed or brushing process, this type of motor uses magnets to rotate the stator. To help charge the battery and increase the distance traveled, a generator is installed that will help input voltage for charging the battery, the generator used is a permanent magnet DC generator type that will produce direct electricity at a certain rotating speed, the battery used is a dry battery type that can get the charging process. The battery used has a compensation of 92% and can cover a distance of about 3,1km, the use of a motor that meets the specifications can make the tool go at a speed of 25 km / h, with a rider's weight of less than 62 kg. The conclusion is that this self-charging electric bicycle can increase the distance traveled by 52% that is to be 5,9km by activating the self-charging system. To activate this self-charging system, the generator must get a rotation of 370 rpm or more to produce an output of 24v. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis