Penerapan Code Refactoring Untuk Analisis Performa Aplikasi Mobile
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Febriansyah, Reynaldi
457 Teknik Komputer 
2022-09-20 10:42:04 
Abstract :
There are various stages in the development of Android mobile applications. Refactoring is one of the important stages in the development of an application. Refactoring functions to make it easier for developers to read code to perform maintenance or application maintenance. What is meant refactoring is the process of improving the code structure that is considered unfavorable which can lead to various problems in the application maintenance stage. The code structure that is considered unfavorable is usually referred to as a code smell. Code smell is divided into several categories such as Bloaters, Object Orientation Abuser, Preventers, Dipensaser and Couplers. This research is focused on the Bloaters category .Bloaters themselves are too many or too many or too large code, methods or classes, therefore it is difficult to work with. The application of refactoring in this study will be carried out on open source that use the Kotlin programming language as the main language. Applications that have been refactored will be analyzed for their performance to prove how much influence refactoring on the performance of mobile applications. Research that has been done shows that execution time and CPU usage experience a decrease in performance after refactoring, while memory usage increases. The results showed that execution time decreased by around 7-19%, CPU usage decreased by 7% and memory usage increased by around 3-7%. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis