Abstract :
This final project research proposal aims to determine the process of using a floating
jetty or pontoon at the Tanjung Harapan Selatpanjang port which currently only uses
one pontoon on the right side which must optimize so that it runs efficiently in these
activities. port authorities conducted at the port of Tanjung Harapan Selatpanjang.
This research will be carried out from March to May 2022. This research uses
descriptive, qualitative and interview methods, observations, and documentation in
the use of a floating jetty or pontoon. As for the results in conducting this research.is
to be able to optimize the use of a floating jetty or pontoon properly and correctly in
the use of a jetty so that it does not break for both. The results of this study are
optimizing the use of floating jetties for passenger mobilization in Tanjung Harapan
Selatpanjang to facilitate boarding and disembarkation of passengers and boat docks
to overcome the queues of docking ships so that they can run effectively and
efficiently in optimizing the use of floating jetty.