Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengontrol Tangki Air Dan Mendeteksi Kekeruhan Air Berbasis IoT
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Putra, Angga Mandala
451 Teknik Elektro 
2022-09-20 17:00:03 
Abstract :
Water is one of the basic needs in society which plays a very important role in life. The dependence of human life cannot be denied by the existence of water. Many human activities depend on water such as washing, bathing, washing dishes etc. In our own area, most people still use drilled wells for water supply in their homes. Along with the development of the era, today's technology has shifted a lot from manual to automatic or analog to digital, namely a better display and easier operation. This study uses a prototype system development method where the first stage is the analysis of system requirements, at this stage the aim is to analyze the IoT-based water tank controller system that can be applied to people's homes and analyze the proposed system in its application system. The second system design, at this stage explains how the system design process, hardware and software (program). The third is system testing, at this stage discusses the results of testing the entire system. The fourth stage is implementation, at this stage describes how the development process and compared between the Automatic and Manual systems. The results of this study are that residents at home will be more free to do other work and will not worry if at any time the tank runs out of water, the system will automatically refill water to the tank, and residents can also see the level of turbidity of the water, if it is very dirty the system will notify you. via the Blynk app. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, the success rate of this IoT-based water tank control system design tool and detects water turbidity is 100%. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis