Abstract :
The use of electrical energy sources that are carried out continuously which is not controlled can cause monthly bill costs to increase. All work and human needs are highly dependent on the presence of electrical energy, especially on household needs, lectures and offices. either they often forget to turn off electronic equipment after use, this has become a common thing in society even though the impact of these actions can cause waste which also has an impact on increasing the cost of using electrical energy.
ased on these problems, an electrical energy monitoring and control system is needed and this tool is able to monitor electrical loads remotely using a cellphone, to make this tool an MCU node, LCD2X16, Relay, cellphone, Blynk application and a PZEM 004T sensor are needed which functions to read volts, current and watts. The relay functions as a replacement for the switch, if we press the of button on the blynk application, the relay will cut off the source so that the load that was originally on becomes off. The LCD2x16 serves to display the results read from the PZEEM004T, NODEMCU as a wifi module that functions to send data to the server so it can be viewed using wifi.