Abstract :
The Dumai City Government plans to build three retribution posts on entry and exit routes
to Dumai City, one of which is located on Jalan Soekarno ? Hatta, Bukit Kayu Kapur Village. In
this retribution post there will be postal buildings, parking lots, road pavements, and traffic
circulation, the Dumai City Government's goal in building the retribution post is as a form of
improving performance facilities and as a temporary stop for vehicles that will carry out the
retribution process so that later no more vehicles stopping on the road.
Based on the above problems, it is necessary to plan the thickness of the pavement in the
area of the retribution post, considering that the vehicles that will pass the pavement in the area of
the retribution post are vehicles that have a heavy load (overload), the pavement to be planned is
rigid pavement.
Based on the results of the calculation of LHR and CBR the existing condition was found
to be 12% so that the thickness of the pavement design using the Pd T-14-2003 method was 250 mm
with a budget of Rp. 2.635.389.673.