Abstract :
One of the keys to mastering the science of accounting is to understand the
basic concepts of accounting (Assets, Debts, Capital, Income and Expenses). If the
basis of accounting has been mastered well, everyone will definitely easily live and
practice it. One way for a person to understand the basics of accountants is by
choosing accounting as an elective major in formal education starting from
secondary education to higher education (Wardiningsih, 2020). The method used
in this study is a quantitative descriptive method. The sample technique used is
propotioned stratified random sampling, namely by first classifying according to
its characteristics, namely based on the background of upper secondary education,
namely the school of origin of the student (SMA IPA, SMA IPS, SMK AKUNTANSI).
The data analysis used includes: Validity Test, Reliability Test, Normality Test, and
Kruskall Wallis Test. The results of this study show that the level of understanding
of the basic concepts of accounting regarding assets and capital between students
who come from the high school of science, high school of social studies, and
vocational school of accounting has differences. then the level of understanding of
the basic concepts of accounting regarding debt, income, and expenses between
students who come from the science high school, social studies high school, and
accounting vocational school has no difference and can be said to have the same
assessment. Kruskall Wallis Test Results the asset has a significance value of 0.012
0.05 and a capital variable of 0.003 0.05, These results show that H1 and H3 were
received. furthermore, the results of the Kruskall Wallis Test of debt have a
significance value of 0.114 0.05, income of 0.143 0.05 and expenses of 0.152 0.05.
These results show that H2, H4 and H5 are rejected