Abstract :
The problem in this final project is related to the optimization of the
feasibility of shipping facilities at the Roro Bengkalis Port. The method used is a
qualitative method, in this case the author collects data using the methods of
observation, interviews, and documentation. From the research results of Roro
Bengkalis Port, it can be concluded that all existing facilities are stated to be
good, Informatics and Statistics (Diskominfotik) Bengkalis Regency installed
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras. This step is to make it easier for the
public to monitor the condition of the Air Putih and Selari River roll on - roll off
(Ro Ro) ports, the Roro Bengkalis port has made several efforts to avoid problems
that have occurred at the port. For example, submitting a request letter in the
form of adding new ships or ships that are ready to be used for operation,
implementing e-ticketing or electronic tickets, and carrying out maintenance on
any problematic ships, adding trips outside of regular trips and entering other
ships to serve the route. crossing.