Abstract :
Indonesia is the largest archipelaguc country in the world, as the largest
archipelagic country in the world, the security of the dhipping system in
Indonesian waters is a major concern. Ships or facilities are very important
for various inter-island transportation. especially in Indonesia which is an
archipelagic country. The safety of the shipping process must be considered so
that life?threateniung accidents do not occur and the safety of the shipping
process must be considered so that life ? threatening accidents do not occur
and do not damage the marine ecosystem. Therefore, a navigation aid is needed
to assits the ship in navigating. These navigational aids leave ships at sea and
on land. Navigation aids serve to infrom the captain about the surrounding
conditions and as the boundaries of the waters. Navigation assistance is
managed by the Navigation District. The Navigation District plays an important
role in the maintenance and repair of navigational aids. Maintenance of
navigational aids is necessary to keep navigation aids in good condition.
Repair of navigation aids at any time when damaged by waves, wind, lightning.
etc. A faulty navigational aid results a fatal and very dangerous voyage. The
purpose of this study was to determine the maintenance and repair of
navigational aids belonging to Class I Navigational in Dumai City in order to
improve shipping. Methods of collecting data using literature strudy,
observation, and interviews. The results of this study imdicate that the
maintenance and repair of navigational aids belonging to Class I Navigation.
Dumai District, is very optimal and important in improving shipping safety