Abstract :
The problem in my final project research is related to passenger
transportation services during the covid pandemic at the Roro Bengkalis port.
The purpose of my final project is to find out how the passenger transportation
service during the covid 19 pandemic at the Roro Bengkalis port and to find out
what efforts must be made by the Roro Bengkalis Port UPT in serving passenger
transportation services during the covid 19 pandemic at the Roro port.
bengkalis. The limitation of the problem in this final project is related to
passenger transportation services during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Roro
Bengkalis port. For the method of writing the rules for the application of health
protocols on public transportation. With the results of this final project, UPT
Pelabuhan Roro Bengkalis tries to apply regulations on sea transportation
services in the form of limiting passengers to a maximum of 50% of the total
seating capacity. Implementation of the efforts that must be made by the UPT
Roro Bengkalis Port to handle passenger transportation services during the
covid pandemic at the Roro Bengkalis port.