Abstract :
Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interprenting input
information, sensations received through sight, feeling, hearing, smell and touch,
tp produce meaning. The purpose of this study was to find out how the public?s
perception of pineapple chips products in BUMDes Kuala Alam. The type of
research was conducted on the people of Bengkalis Regency as many as 100
respondents. The variables studies to measure perception were Organoleptic and
Hedonic Tests, including testing instrument validity, reliability and independent 2
sample t-test. From the descriptive statistical calculation, the perception has an
average value of 38.80, so it can be seen that the community accepts the pineapple
chips product well, because the public?s perception of the product is in accordance
with the needs of the community. Both in terms of taste and quality.