Abstract :
Innovative 3D digitalization and geomatics technology has entered the field of cultural and historical heritage, in line with the development and extraordinary use of BIM in the field of cultural heritage. The purpose of this study is to explain the process of processing aerial photo data
and BIM integration, as well as comparing the results of the 3D model with existing condtion.Orthophoto is the result of processing aerial photos with geometry correction from GCP
(Ground Control Point) points obtained from GPS Geodetic. This orthophoto data is used as horizontal accuracy using the RMSE method which refers to the perka BIG No.15 Tahun 2014 concerning the geometric accuracy standard of RBI maps.
3D point cloud is the result of BIM integration from aerial photos. From the results of point cloud integration BIM with horizontal accuracy (RMSExy) 0,2502 m and an average height
ratio of 0,026 cm and a CE90 value of 0,3796 which is included in the LOD (Level Of Detail) 3 level.