Rancangan Dryer Box Pengering Mmaterial Kulit Kayu Manis Dengan Input Sensor DS18B20 Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno.
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Mubarrak, Syahrul
455 Teknik Kendali (Atau Instrumentasi dan Kontrol) 
2022-10-07 10:57:24 
Abstract :
Cinnamon bark drying process still uses a natural drying method with sunlight. Drying problems still dominate in some groups of cinnamon farmers, namely the long drying time, changes in weather and climate that often hamper their productivity. So we need a drying tool that is able to solve these problems. Cinnamon bark drying takes 5 to 7 hours to dry. During the drying process, the dryness of the cinnamon bark can be percentaged with a dryness percentage of 22.5%, and the moisture of the cinnamon bark before drying is 18.7%. During the drying of the cinnamon bark, the moisture in the cinnamon bark will change to 11.0% with a capacity of 11.0%. in the 2000 G dryer box, the use of a voltage of 222.5 V, a current of 2.25 A and a power of 505.1 W. It is efficient that using a cinnamon bark dryer box is more efficient than drying using sunlight and depending on weather conditions, then it can be said that the dryer box is more effective. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis