Abstract :
Microservices are those that are connected to each other to form complex applications, these services consist of small, discrete blocks, and focus on light tasks to support the requirements of the system being built. The advantages of microarchitecture services are that it makes it easier for developers in the system development process, supports each service that can be developed independently, there are no obstacles in using new technology. In the online buying and selling application for MSME products, this is a website that is used as a means to offer products that are traded on the internet. This type of site usually displays product images or videos accompanied by descriptions to explain the advantages of the goods offered. So that it can attract buyers even though they cannot see the goods directly. In this online buying and selling application for MSME products, many services and applications must be stable enough to manage many services and receive large visitor traffic. So to overcome these obstacles, an application architecture that is able to be one of the solutions is needed to solve it. The architecture used in the online buying and selling application for MSME products is the microservice architecture. For data processing on each service using the application programming interface (Api). To support this architecture can use docker in the service management process. This research consists of five services, namely api-gateway, product-service, cart-service, order-service, and user-service running in a docker container. This study aims to apply the Microservice architecture to the online sale and purchase application for MSME products in Bengkalis Regency.