Abstract :
Gala Auto Service is a car repair shop located in Air Putih, Bengkalis
District, Bengkalis Regency. The main activity at this workshop is to serve
customers who will repair cars, this process often takes a long time and therefore
it is not uncommon for long queues to occur and make customers wait quite a
long time, because the existing system at the repair shop currently customers
come go straight to the garage to register the car service, so it will take time
because customers come to the place to queue so that many cars are often found
piled up and not yet worked on. Based on the problems that occur, solutions can
be provided so that there is no accumulation of customers or can avoid colliding
schedules between customers, namely by creating a Web-Based Car Repair
Scheduling Booking Application to solve problems that occur. This application
was built using the Prototype Method and MySQL database with system design
using UML (Unifeld Modeling Language) and the PHP programming language.
The result of this research is a web-based application and makes a queue process
that can be done online via telephone via chrome. This study aims to make it
easier for customers to make bookings for schedule bookings.