Analisa Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis Pengecoran Campuran Limbah Aluminium Sepatu Rem (Brake Shoe) Dan Sisa Gram Pemesinan
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Budiman, Muhammad
431 Teknik Mesin (dan Ilmu Permesinan Lain) 
2023-06-13 10:15:22 
Abstract :
This research is intended to know the physical and mechanical characteristic of castings aluminum brake shoe mixture and the remaining gram of machining by comparing specimens and specimens before and after casting independently or without mixture. Mixed concentration in the study 50% for aluminum brake shoe waste (brake shoe) and 50% for the remaining gram of machining. From each specimen a chemical composition test, micro photo testing, brinell test, tensile test were performed. Composition contained in brake shoe specimens after casting Al 84.696%, Si 10.63%, gram remaining specimens after casting Al 90.45%, Si 3.989%, Brakek shoe mix specimens and the remaining gram of machinery shows Element Al 88.449%, Si 7.684%. Hardness on brake shoe before casting 18.26 BHN, after casting 20.08 BHN, hardness on remaining gram of machining before casting 20.92 BHN, after casting 21.14 BHN, and for casting result of aluminum mix of brake shoe and residual waste Gram of 18.28 BHN machining. The value of tensile test for aluminum brake shoe (brake shoe) with a strains value of 96.22 N / mm2, strains 6.6%. Result of tensile test of gram after machining casting with value of strains 228.19 N / mm2, strains 21.5%, and for casting result of aluminum brake shoe mixture and remaining gram of machining with strains value 122.55 N / mm2 , Strains 3.6% 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis