Abstract :
This study aims to determine the characteristics of piston ring material
Supra X 125 based on dimensions and hardness. The method used is testing the
mechanical properties of several piston rings Supra X 125 which will be analyzed.
The heat treatment process is carried out on the material of honda supra X
motorcycle piston rings at temperatures below the melting point of 600 0C with 2
hour hold time and then cooled with oil and mineral water. Test results occur
significant differences between piston rings Supra X 125 honda genuine parts and
quality 1. The results of dimension measurement test shows the shape of the
largest diameter is changed, dikomed form of the specimen itself which causes
stretch when the heat treatment process. But the size of the thickness ring has not
changed. While the results obtained in this study is 66,72 HRC ring piston
roughness for Honda genuine parts and 63.66 HRC for quality 1 while the highest
hardness price occurs in piston rings honda genuine parts with oil cooler 75,8