Abstract :
One of the UMKM that processes sago to be used as sago noodles is "Barokah Sago Noodle" owned by Mr. Rahmat having his address at Pramuka Street, Gg Barokah Bengkalis District, the business "Barokah Sago Noodle" has a production capacity of 100 kg to 150 kg per day. to determine the performance capacity of the grater and sago processing and to find out the amount of grated renders and sago processing. The processing was carried out in several stages, namely sago stem scouring, sago grated slurry, sago starch deposition until the process of sago starch removal was precipitated. Sago processing in this experiment obtained the effectiveness of the tool to grind one sample of sago with an initial weight of 97 kg as much as 288 kg / hour, and the results of testing the yield of starch for grated 72 kg produced sago of 22 kg.