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Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta
Dian Wijayanti, DW
RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine 
2022-06-07 07:48:14 
Abstract :
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Skrining faktor risiko penyakit tidak menular dapat dilakukan secara mandiri atau melalui Posbindu. Berdasarkan studi kualitatif, salah satu hal yang belum mendukung pemanfaatan Posbindu adalah waktu yang bersinggungan dengan kegiatan lain. Salah satu kelebihan aplikasi android adalah bersifat interaktif. Aplikasi android Posbindu PTM dibuat untuk mengakomodir langkah-langkah kegiatan Posbindu secara online. Uji usability dilakukan untuk menghasilkan aplikasi android Posbindu PTM yang usable. Tujuan: Menghasilkan aplikasi android Posbindu PTM yang usable untuk kegiatan Posbindu di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sleman. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah Research and Development dengan desain Four D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). Tahap define dilaksanakan dengan Focus Group Discussion (FGD), pada tahap design peneliti dan programmer bekerjasama merancang aplikasi, pada tahap develop dilakukan uji validasi ahli materi, uji validasi ahli media dan uji PSSUQ terhadap aplikasi, tahap disseminate dilakukan dengan pertemuan via Google Meet dan pembuatan e-poster. Hasil: Hasil uji materi aplikasi android Posbindu PTM adalah sangat layak dengan skor 4,62. Hasil uji media aplikasi android Posbindu PTM adalah sangat layak dengan skor 4,23. Hasil uji usability aplikasi android Posbindu PTM adalah usable, dengan skor keseluruhan = 1,71; skor kualitas sistem (SYSUSE) = 1,64; skor kualitas informasi (INFOQUAL) = 1,83; dan skor kualitas antarmuka (INTERQUAL) = 1,62 Kesimpulan: Aplikasi android Posbindu PTM sangat layak dan usable untuk kegiatan Posbindu di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sleman. Kata kunci: usability, Posbindu, android, Four D, PSSUQ ABSTRACT Background: Screening for non-communicable disease risk factors may be carried out independently or by Posbindu. Based on a qualitative study, one of the things that did not support the use of Posbindu is the timing where it overlaps with other activities. One of the strengths of Android apps is that they are interactive. The Posbindu PTM android application was created to accommodate the steps of Posbindu activities online. The usability test was carried out to produce a usable Posbindu PTM android application. Objective: Produce a usable PTM Posbindu android application for Posbindu activities at the Sleman Regional General Hospital. Method: This research is Research and Development with Four D design (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The define stage is carried out with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD), at the design stage researchers and programmers work together to design the application, at the development stage a material expert validation test is carried out, a media expert validation test and a PSSUQ test for the application, the disseminate stage is carried out by meeting via Google Meet and making e-poster. Result: The results of the material test for the Posbindu PTM android application are very feasible with a score of 4.62. The results of the Posbindu PTM android application media test results are very feasible with a score of 4.23. The results of the usability test of the Posbindu PTM android application are usable, with an overall score = 1.71; system quality score (SYSUSE) = 1.64; information quality score (INFOQUAL) = 1.83; and interface, quality score (INTERQUAL) = 1.62. Conclusion: The Posbindu PTM android application is very feasible and usable for Posbindu activities at the Sleman Regional General Hospital. Keyword: usability, Posbindu, android, Four D, PSSUQ 
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Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta