Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta
Azizi Alfyan Pratama, AZIZI
RT Nursing
2022-07-15 03:29:15
Abstract :
Background: Spinal anesthesia is a regional or partial anesthetic technique by
blocking the subarachnoid space. Delay in moving can cause anxiety and
depression so that patients require longer treatment. The patient remains in the
recovery room until fully recovered from the anesthetic effects. The assessment
criteria used to determine the readiness of spinal anesthesia patients are
transferred from the recovery room if the bromage score is 2. Good lower
extremity exercise will increase the ability to move the legs so that it will improve
functional recovery after regional anesthesia in this case can affect the speed of
foot motor movements.
Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of leg exercises on the speed
of foot motor movements in patients after spinal anesthesia.
Methods: This type of research is quasi-experimental with Non Equivalent Post?test Only with Control Group Design. The treatment given was leg exercises,
sampling using consecutive sampling with a total of 64 respondents divided into
experimental and control groups who underwent spinal anesthesia procedures.
Data analysis was done by t-test (Independent Sample T-test).
Results: The speed of foot motor movement was mostly fast in the experimental
group and the majority was slow in the control group. The t-test (Independent
Sample T-test) obtained p = 0.002.
Conclusion: There is a significant effect on leg exercise on the speed of foot
motor movement in post-spinal anesthesia patients.
Keywords: leg exercises, foot motor movement speed, spinal anesthesia