Abstract :
Continuity Of Care (COC) in Indonesia language can be interpered as a care that given continue among patient and provider. Continuity of care aim is to improve the quality of service and its need continuous relationship between provider and patient. This kind af care regarded better than the standard care.
Midwifery care is carried out by providing care from the period of pregnancy, childbirth, newborns, postpartum, to family planning. In this care provided, it was found G2P1Ab0 mother with normal pregnancy, with frequent urination in third semester, and also worrying about her delivery. Normal delivery without across the ?alert? line. Normal puerperal period is characterized by good involution, no fever or bleeding, and normal newborns. In maternal pregnancy care, it is explained about the process and preparation for childbirth to reduce anxiety and education about the causes and ways to overcome complaints of frequent urination. At delivery, the mother is given maternal care with the assistance of her husband, IMD, paying attention to nutritional and elimination needs, privacy during the delivery process. Delivery was carried out with normal delivery care, active management of the third stage, and 2 hours post partum monitoring. Followed by postpartum visits until KF4. Newborns were given IMD, injection of vitamin K, administration of eye ointment, and Hepatitis B injection, as well as visits for neonates up to KN3.
The care provided is in accordance with the theory regarding care during pregnancy, childbirth, newborns, and the puerperium. There is no gap of care provided with theory
Keyword : continuous care, pregnancy care, childbirth care, postpartum care, newborn care.