Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors of income dan financial planning on financial well-being with financial self efficacy as an intervening variable. The objects in this study were customers of Bank Jateng, Semarang Branch Office. In this study using a type of quantitative research with a sample of 100 respondents to the method of filling out a questionnnaire. The data sampling technique used the Multistage Cluster Sampling technique from 14 network offices of Bank Jateng, Semarang Branch Office. The theory used in this study is the theory of planned behavior, social cognitive theory, and income theory. The analysis tool used is SmartPLS 3.0. The results of the analysis show that income, financial planning, and financial self-efficacy have a significant effect on financial well-being, and financial self efficacy acts as an intervening in determining the effect of income and financial planning on financial well-being.