Abstract :
This study aims to examine the effect of trust, attitude, subjective norm, perveived behavior control on intention to use JMO and the mediating role of attitude on the relationship of trust to intention to use JMO members of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Pekalongan Branch.
The study population was participants of the Pekalongan Branch of Employment BPJS with a sample of 97 respondents obtained using an accidental sampling technique. Data analysis uses smart PLS by going through the outer model and inner model stages.
The results showed that trust, attitude, subjective norms, and perveived behavior control had a positive effect on the intention to use JMO. Attitude plays a role in mediating the relationship of trust towards the intention to use JMO participants of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Pekalongan Branch
Keywords: trust, attitude, subjective norm, perveived behavior control, intention to use