PENGARUH STRUKTUR MODAL, FIRM SIZE, DAN LEVERAGE TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (Studi Empiris pada Perbankan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2018-2022)
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bank Bpd Jawa Tengah
Febriawan, Adhitya Lintang
H Social Sciences (General) 
2023-09-04 03:52:16 
Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the effect of capital structure, firm size, and leverage on firm value. The variables used in this study include Price-to-Book Value (PBV) as a measure of firm value, Debt-to-Equity Ratio (DER) as a measure of capital structure, total assets as a measure of firm size, and Debt-to-Asset Ratio (DAR) as a measure of leverage. The population of this study consists of banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from annual financial reports. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The observation period was carried out from 2018 to 2022 with a sample size of 23 banks and the number of observational data analyzed was 115 data. Data analysis was performed using multiple linear regression techniques. The results showed that capital structure has no effect on firm value in the banking sector. Firm size has a significant positive effect on firm value in the banking sector. And leverage has a significant positive effect on firm value in the banking sector. 
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bank Bpd Jawa Tengah