Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of brand positioning, consumer perceptions, and product quality on purchasing decisions for filmeal products in the city of Tegal. Flimeal is a healthy drink rich in protein and low in fat present to invite people to a healthy lifestyle, and in the city of Tegal Ade Rai opened his fitness center and implemented the 6 pillars of the health transformation of the Tegal city government to invite the people of the city of Tegal to live a healthy life. The collected sample is 106 respondents and the data analysis method used is multiple linear analysis. The results of the T test (Partial) meet the criteria where the calculated and significant t values of each variable exceed the t table values. Thus, each of the independent variables (Brand Positioning, Consumer Perceptions, and Product Quality) has a positive and significant influence on the Purchase Decision of flimmeal products in the city of Tegal.