Abstract :
The aims of the research are to analyze the influence of human resource
development practices on competence, to analyze the effect of human resource
development practices on organizational effectiveness, to analyze the effect of
human resource development practices on employee performance, to analyze the
effect of competence on organizational effectiveness, to analyze the influence
performance on organizational effectiveness, analyze the influence of human
resource development practices on organizational effectiveness through
competence, analyze the effect of human resource development practices on
organizational effectiveness through performance.
The population in the study was all employees at the Tegal District
Health Office, totaling 75 ASN employees. The sampling technique uses the
census method or saturated samples. Therefore the number of samples is 75 ASN
employees. The data collection method uses a questionnaire distributed through
the Google form. The data analysis technique uses SEM-PLS with the SmartPLS
analysis tool.
The results of the study stated that only human resource development
practices had a positive influence on employee competence and performance.
While the linkages of other variables proposed in the study have no effect either
directly or in mediation.
Keywords : Organizational Effectiveness; Competence; Performance; HRD