Abstract :
KPRI Nusantara Berkah Bersama UIN Walisongo is developing cooperative programs, such as increasing business, collaborating with other companies to optimize various sectors, not only in savings and loans, but it is found that there are still some problems, such as bad credit from term loans where members are sometimes negligent so that these personal installments (not deducted from salary) accumulate. This research is a quantitative approach based on rational empirical research principles, in which researchers formulate problems and hypotheses to be tested based on predetermined criteria and analytical tools. The results show that relationship marketing has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, relationship marketing has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty and relationship marketing will have an effect on higher customer satisfaction. Relationship marketing will provide good information and the ability to attract and convince others to increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Satisfied customers will enhance long-term relationships with mutual trust and maintain good relations.
Keyword: Relationship Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.