Abstract :
The study was conducted to analyze the impact of Loan to Asset Ratio (LAR), inflation, and BI Rate on the return on assets (ROA) of conventional banking institutions. The population of this research consisted of 46 conventional banking institutions. Through purposive sampling method, a sample of 31 conventional banking institutions was selected, meeting the specified criteria, and the analysis period ranged from 2020 to 2022. The quantitative analysis technique employed in this study was multiple linear regression analysis, performed using SPSS version 22 as the data analysis tool. The results of the analysis revealed that LAR had a positive and significant influence on ROA. Additionally, inflation showed a positive and significant effect on ROA, and BI Rate had a positive and significant impact on ROA as well. The coefficient of determination (R-squared) obtained from the analysis was 18.5%, indicating the percentage of variation in ROA that can be explained by the independent variables (LAR, inflation, and BI Rate).
Keyword : ROA, LAR, Inflation, Interest Rate