Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the effect of reward and punishment on employee performance with work discipline as a mediating variable. The population that is the object of research is all employees of PT. Hwaseung Indonesia, totaling 18,331 people. The research sample used a probability sampling technique and sampling was carried out using a proportional stratified random sampling technique. The samples taken in this study amounted to 100 respondents and were declared to have represented the total population. Data analysis used the Smart PLS 4.0 program to determine the direct and indirect effects of the relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables. From the results of testing the hypothesis directly it is known that there is a positive and significant influence between rewards on employee performance, between rewards on work discipline, between punishment on employee performance, between punishment on work discipline and between work discipline on employee performance. Indirectly testing the hypothesis is known that the work discipline intervention variable is able to mediate the relationship between reward and employee performance. By testing the hypothesis indirectly, it is known that the intervening variable of work discipline is able to mediate the relationship between punishment and employee performance.
Keywords : Rewards; Punishment; Work discipline; Employee performance.