Abstract :
This study aims to examine the influence of leadership, religiosity and organizational culture on anti-gratification attitudes of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), the influence of leadership and religiosity on organizational culture, organizational culture mediation on the influence of leadership and religiosity on anti-gratification attitudes ASN. The population of the study were employees of the Deputy for Education and Community Participation at the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia, totaling 131 and the sample size was determined by the Slovin formula of 68 samples, who responded to a questionnaire totaling 72 respondents. Analysis using partial least squares (PLS) and smartPLS.3 analysis tools. The results of research on leadership, religiosity and organizational culture have a significant positive effect on anti-gratuity attitudes ASN, leadership and religiosity have a significant positive effect on organizational culture, organizational culture plays a role in mediating the influence of leadership and religiosity on anti-gratification attitudes ASN with partial complementary mediation properties.
Keywords: leadership, religiosity, organizational culture, anti-gratification attitude